- Shapeoko Jumpstart - Shapeoko Jumpstart (1/12)

Shapeoko Jumpstart

All items from this course

Welcome to our "Shapeoko Jumpstart" course. This course is meant to be a practical, applied introduction to CNC design and operation using our Shapeoko CNC Router, Carbide Motion, and Carbide Create.

What You Need

It might be helpful to have your machine ready, but you can follow along even if you do not own a machine yet.

If you'd like to follow along with the design before you buy a machine, you can download Carbide Create and simulate the design without having to cut anything in real life.

What about the Nomad?

We're calling this course the "Shapeoko Jumpstart," but 99% of what you see here applies to the Nomad just as much. If you're a Nomad owner, keep reading and watching.

Navigation Tips


Table of Contents

  1. Shapeoko Jumpstart
  2. Key Ideas for CNC
  3. Drop Tray Project
  4. Drop Tray Design
  5. Drop Tray Machining
  6. Coaster Project
  7. Coaster Design
  8. Coaster Machining
  9. Simple Sign Project
  10. Sign Design
  11. Sign Machining
  12. Where to Go Next
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NEXT: Key Ideas for CNC