Carbide 3D Hub

Older Downloads

These releases are archived here for users who have a specific need for them. All new users are encouraged to use the latest version of Carbide Motion and Carbide Create.

Carbide Motion V6, Build 622

This download is the last release of Carbide Motion V6 using the original BitSetter workflow.

Carbide Motion V5 for OS X 10.14 or later Build 622

Carbide Motion V5 for Windows 10 later Build 622

Carbide Motion V5

(Originally released in March 2023)

Carbide Motion V5 for OS X 10.14 or later Build 582

Carbide Motion V5 for Windows 10 later Build 582

Carbide Motion V3

This download is only for early Shapeoko 3 machines running GRBL 1.0 or earlier

Carbide Motion V3 for OS X 10.8 or later Build 366

Carbide Motion V3 for Windows 7, 8, 10 Build 368