Quick Draw Pen Holder
Quick Draw is a simple way to mount a pen or pencil to your Shapeoko securely, allowing the users to use the machine as a plotter. More importantly, it allows new users to become familiar with machine operations without jumping right into cutting a project.
Package Contents
- Quick Draw Pen Holder with quick-release latch
- 5 Black Silicone Rings
- Instruction QR card
Quick Draw is designed to fit on any Shapeoko CNC machine that uses either a 65mm spindle or 65mm trim router.
For Quick Draw to function correctly, you must have a clean, flat work area/table.
We recommend affixing a 3/4 sheet of MDF over the hybrid table and surfacing it with a McFly Cutter. Quick Draw is designed to work with most pens/pencils from 8 mm OD all the way up to 18mm in OD.
- Turn on the machine
- Initialize Machine
- Go to the Settings page
- If enabled, disable BitSetter (Image of BitSetter check box)
- Ensure the Spindle/router is off
- Jog Machine to the front center - remove your Bit from the spindle/router
- Slide Quick Draw from below onto the spindle.
- Align it with the bottom of the spindle/router body with the "Nose" facing forward.
- Close the latch so it points backward. Quick Draw should securely grip onto the body.
- If Quick Draw is not rigidly attached to your spindle, adjust 2 x M4 screws as required. These should be snug against the spring washers. The latch should open/close. When closed, Quick Draw will be secure and not move.
- Install Silicone Ring over the left and right sides as shown.
- Slide your pen of choice down through the top loop of Quick Draw and the bottom loop. The pen tip should be below the spindle/router head.
Running a Job
- Tape your paper down to the table.
- Place an additional sheet on top to help zero.
- Jog to X/Y/Z zero with the pen tip touching the top sheet of paper.
- Jog the Z down by 0.1mm - The pen should touch the spacer paper.
- Zero the machine.
- Jog Z up 5mm.
- Load and run your job normally.
Our Favorite Pens
We tested with a lot of pens, and these were our favorite. (Though you should not be afraid of testing other models).
Felt tip
- Sharpies
- Sharpies Ultra Fine Point
- Sakura Micron fine-liner 08:
Rollerball and ballpoint
- Uniball Vision Rollerball
- Uni Jetstream .5mm and .7mm
Paint pens
- Sakura Pen-Touch Marker 1.0 mm Fine (Paint Pen)