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Custom Post Processor in Carbide Create Pro

Carbide Create Pro allows you to use a custom post processor to generate files for almost any CNC machine that takes some variant of G-code. The post-processor is Javascript-based, so you can make significant changes if necessary.

Most people just need to change the start/end of the G-code or modify the code around tool changes.

Note: this is a placeholder for a larger document in the future. We'll add information as needed based on feedback.

Install a Base Post-Processor File

  1. Download a base post-processor file here.
  2. Open Carbide Create Pro
  3. Open the About window
  4. Click "Open Data Directory"
  5. Drop the file above into the "Posts" directory.

The post-processor file is loaded and evaluated each time you save G-code so that you can edit the file in place and export G-code repeatedly to test the output.

Modify the G-code Preamble

To modify the G-code at the start of the output file, change the code in the "onOpen" function

Modify the End of the G-code

To modify the G-code at the end of the output file, change the code in the "onClose" function

Modify the Tool Change Code

To modify the code around the tool changes, modify the code in the "onSection" function.