Carbide Create V6

Posted on Jul 23, 2021 by Rob

NOTE: Carbide Create V6 has been replaced by V7. Find out more about Carbide Create V7.

Today we're posting the first beta of Carbide Create V6. We have big plans for V6 but we needed to start with all of the changes that are likely to break compatibility or changes that are most likely to modify the user interface compared to V5. Here's what we've got so far :

Rulers - We've got rulers on the top and side of the drawing window that give a better reference for object size and position. Right now, the divisions in the ruler track the grid spacing in the drawing. If you zoom out far enough that the labels begin to overlap then the labels will be hidden and you'll just have the ruler lines.

Undo/Redo - All undo actions are now redoable. This was a massive internal change for the program so it's likely that we've introduced a few bugs with this one. We're pretty sure that digging this deep in the code surfaced a number of long-dormant bugs so we think we're already net-positive on this change.

Text Changes - The whole text command is redone for V6. We now use a different text rendering system that should better integrate with the operating system than the prior versions. This means that text in old files will render differently in V6 than in V5. When you open a V5 file with text you'll be given the option to convert the text to curves to retain the original shapes. We also added:

Boolean Union - Users have been confused by the boolean union command in the past because inner curves would be consumed by outer curves. This was the "correct" behavior since the command did a literal boolean union, but it wasn't what users wanted. In V6 the boolean union command will not touch inner curves if they don't directly touch another curve.

SVG Import - Some curves ended up with an extra control point that broke proper node editing. This should be fixed in V6.

We've got lots more planned but if you'd like to try it out now, grab the beta from . Be sure to let us know what you think.

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